Case Study

Across one year, nearly 20% of this hospital's utility spend came from billing errors.


Key Findings

Annual Spend
1-Year Savings
3-Year Savings
Annual Savings

Senior management at this small hospital in the Midwest was getting concerned about their utilities spending.

Annual expenditures had been increasing steadily over time, and it became clear to senior management that their utilities spend was higher than it needed to be. They contracted out to TCVG to review utilities across their primary 223-bed hospital and several partner facilities in the area.

Nearly 20% of the hospital's annual spend was coming from billing errors.

We analyzed twelve months of electric and natural gas invoices for each of the client's vendors. During our review, we discovered over $52,000 worth of billing errors that had gone unnoticed by the vendors – nearly 20% of the client's utilities spend that year. We worked with each vendor to correct the errors and secured a one-time credit for the full amount of $52,000.

By eliminating billing errors and securing the best rates possible from each vendor, the hospital will realize over $100,000 in savings over the next three years.

After collecting a one-time credit from each vendor to make up for past billing errors, we compared the hospital's utility bills to their actual usage, uncovering areas for optimization. We also used our proprietary national database to find the lowest rates the hospital's vendors were giving similar organizations. We negotiated with the vendors to secure this best-in-class pricing, ultimately saving the client 25% annually.


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